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Rich Ashton16 Dec 2021 - 13:00

Titans will take on Brunel University under Friday Night lights!

IT is with deep regret tomorrow’s maiden Friday Night lights National One fixture at home to Chinnor has been postponed following a Covid outbreak at our neighbours.

A number of their players have tested positive for the virus and are now self-isolating in accordance with government guidelines. We wish them all a swift and full recovery.

While both clubs were looking forward to a special occasion and the opportunity to play in the first game livestreamed on the National League Rugby website, the health and safety of staff, players and spectators from both clubs must take precedence.

A new date for the fixture will be confirmed in due course.

Anyone who has bought a ticket for this Saturday’s game will be refunded in due course, but please note this can take up to 10 days depending on your bank.

*There will still be action at Old Bath Road, however, as Brunel University have kindly agreed their scheduled Raging Bull Shield Division One fixture on Saturday to tomorrow night (7.45pm).

Entry is free and food and drink will be available, but the park and ride service will not be operating so please park at the ground.

Further reading