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Rams 300 and Super Clubs

Rams 300 and Super Clubs

The 300 Club and The Super Club
These are our two fundraising clubs for supporters run by John Cook.
The 300 Club pays out annually approximately £850 in monthly and quarterly prizes. The Super Club pays out approximately £1900 in annual prizes. Names of existing members are shown in the Season Guide.

The 300 Club
The cost is £13 per annum for which you receive two numbers. There are currently 32 vacant numbers.

The Super Club
The cost is £50 per annum (£25 on the 1st April and £25 on the 1st October). The numbers in the Super Club are unlimited.

Your support would be much appreciated, and thank you in advance. Last season Rams received £2400 from these clubs.
Please complete the standing order forms below and send to John Cook


Rams 300 Club Standing order
